Cross-Species CoCreation: Bio-interfaces to Bridge Human & Nature

Generative Design & Bio-Design Practice: Digital Fabrication Meets Natural Growth

Royal College of Art | Imperial College London



Bio-Practice in Design
Generative Design
Cross-species Interface
Tangible Human-Machine Interaction
Circular Economy
Design for Sustainability


Solo Project


Bio-Design Practice Symposium
Royal College of Art, UK
2021 Guest Speaker


Special thanks to Stephen Green, Savina, Bjorn Sommer, Assa Ashuach, Fernando Galdon, and the teaching team.

The Bridge of Digital & Natural Fabrication

Generated by a digital algorithm, fabricated by 3D Printing, and completed by the natural growth of mushrooms, Stool Pleurotus starts from the idea of bridging digital fabrication with natural growth, appreciating the wisdom from both sides. What is more existing is that you, the user, can be a part of the creative process by growing, picking, and cooking the mushroom. All of this can be achieved through feeding the parameters to the algorithm to breed and grow the gills of the mushroom digitally, and what's left for the user is to hand in the magic stick to nature to complete the growing process. It is not only a stool but a Sculpture, a micro-farm, a service & a Lifestyle

Co-Fabrication Platform between Human & Nature

Natural Fabrication Experiment | Pleurotus 2021

Digital Fabrication
Feeding parameters to breed the form digitally

Circular Service Model

Next Project


Tickle - Rekindle Human Contact through Tangible User Interface


Critical & Historical Studies: Human's Second Nature - Technology